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Marketing Audit

Our marketing audits help you make informed and strategic decisions to define fit-for-purpose marketing and maximise ROI.

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Every one of our clients has a different set of challenges, but many of them share the same goals. A hard-working brand that delivers a competitive advantage. A marketing mix that measures up against growth plans. Marketing technology that’s fit for purpose.

But the truth is, there are so many tools, platforms, strategies and software options in the marketing mix, it’s difficult to know where to begin – and even harder to know where you could be doing better.  

Whatever your situation, a marketing audit can help determine if your current strategy will deliver on your growth objectives.

We can help you evaluate exactly where to target improvements to your processes, tools and team’s skillset.  

Our marketing audit services:

  • Free consultation to evaluate current marketing strategy
  • Collaborative workshops – either in person or remote
  • Market research - including economic, social, political and cultural trends
  • Audience analysis
  • Brand analysis
  • Industry, sector and segmentation research
  • Trend research and analysis
  • Competitor research
  • Digital review - including an evaluation of your current platforms, software, website/apps and their capabilities
  • Key stakeholder interviews - internal and external
  • Marketing report - including a position summary
  • Board and stakeholder presentation
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