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Repurposing content – how to make your content stretch further with limited resources

Limited resources? Learn how to make every piece of content work harder for you.

When resources are limited and priorities are many, content creation can feel like a bit of a means to an end.  

Whether your blog’s looking a touch light, or your social media channels are running a little dry, you may feel you’re backed into a corner.
Do you:

  1. Divert a chunk of your precious marketing resources to plan and develop new content, even though it feels counterproductive?
  1. Wait until you have more resources and let your engagement and SEO take a hit until you can put some proper time and energy into making great content?

The short answer? Neither.

Great content doesn’t have to involve a huge amount of time or planning. You don’t necessarily need to start a new campaign just because your content calendar’s looking a little sparse. But equally, stalling your socials or letting your blog stagnate can set you back much more than you might think.  

“…stalling your socials or letting your blog stagnate can set you back much more than you might think…”

We know that social media algorithms favour consistent creators. And it’s advisable to post relevant, SEO optimised blogs regularly to build authority and start to see an improvement in search engine results. That could be anything from 2 to 8 times per month, depending on your site’s maturity. It can take time to build your engagement and domain authority again after a dry spell.  

But we still recommend choosing quality over quantity. And we have just the answer to achieve both without dedicating a huge amount of time, money or labour.  

Reduce, reuse, recycle your content  

By repurposing existing content, you can reduce time spent planning and creating quality blogs, social posts and video clips, while keeping the lights on for your audience and your business.  

“…we still recommend choosing quality over quantity…"

Repurposing content also means you can tailor your content to perform optimally on each channel. Creating shorter videos for platforms like Instagram and infographic content for LinkedIn, for example. This will improve accessibility and engagement, while helping you maximise thought leadership for topics you’ve previously identified as important to your business.  

Below are some simple ideas for repurposing content and making your resources stretch further:

  • Transform long-form videos into multiple bite-sized clips
    Long-form videos are great if you want to explain a complex topic or build your brand by expanding on prominent or emerging topics in your industry. However, by lightly editing and cutting your long-form content, you can create series upon series of short videos that are quickly and easily digestible for your audience.
  • Turn blogs into checklists
    Do you have any blogs on your website that offer useful tips or insights? These are perfect for creating checklists. By creating downloadable resources, you can add even more value for your audience and create interactive content they can use time and again.
  • Make blogs from videos, and videos from blogs
    Both blogs and videos are effective ways of establishing yourself as a thought leader, but each form of content has different benefits. So why miss out on one? For example, take our atomic design content; we created both a video and a blog so it was accessible to an even wider audience.
  • Transform your blogs into digestible slides
    On social media, people tend to have shorter attention spans. Getting someone to read a long-form blog from a social platform isn’t always easy. To tackle this hurdle, forming concise carousel slides from your blog content which convey the key points can work wonders. These can also be useful for generating quick presentations and including in pitches, where relevant.
  • Design infographics from your content
    According to studies, 65% of the population are visual learners. So, while text-based information is ideal for some of your audience, over half may fare better with visual-based content. This means infographics are great ways of conveying information in a way that is more digestible to many people. The uses cases for this type of content are endless.
  • Extract quotes from your content
    If you have any particularly informative or resonating quotes in any of your content, these can be effective visuals on social media. You can provide context to the quote in your captions, but short and punchy quotes are shareable and quickly grab attention.
  • Updating older content
    Another way you can repurpose your content is by updating pieces you have already created. Most industries are constantly evolving and changing, so some content will naturally have an expiry date. But updating blogs or videos can be quick and simple. It may need a new introduction, an entirely fresh angle, or it may simply need a couple of updated sources.  

Any questions?

Content creation with limited resources can be a real challenge. But we’ve worked with countless clients to help them do more with less, while still generating content that resonates with their audience.

If this sounds like something you would like to find out more about, get in touch at

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